Tag Archives: lesson 287

Weeding our garden: Remembering who we are


Fota Gardens

Imagine a beautiful garden with magnificent flowers, majestic trees, a shining sun, a gentle breeze, and a subtle fragrance floating through the air…

The garden is immense, it doesn’t have any fence or boundaries, it is unlimited and in this short story it will be the representation of your Higher Self or Holy Self.

Now picture this garden invaded by unwanted weeds growing everywhere between the flowers, like a cancer attacking and spreading to healthy cells: these weeds are your ego or lower self.

The garden and the weeds together symbolize our split mind.

Split mind

As you can foretell, it’s not going to be an easy job to remove all the weeds and keep the garden clean and tidy but it can be done by constantly uprooting them, one at the time and making sure they don’t grow back. That’s how the work needs to be done: we correct one idea at the time on a constant basis. The word “constant” here is important because without persistence and perseverance, the weeds will grow back: we will go back to our old way of thinking and undo the good work.

To our delight, we will notice that once we have corrected an erroneous concept, not only one weed has disappeared from the garden but a whole lot of them. That’s because they were all connected in the first place and by removing the root of an idea, you destroyed a whole string of weeds in the process.

When you eradicate some weeds, not only does it vanish but its consequences dissolve as well. This is the concept of cause and effect. By getting rid of erroneous old beliefs we also cancel out the consequences they could have had in our lives: that’s encouraging!!!

This process of weeding in my story represents the practise of “Remembering who we are”. By extracting the wrong beliefs, we unveil the Truth, by remembering who we are, we rediscover our beautiful garden (Holy Self) and we also reconnect with its magnitude, its wholeness, its Oneness with its Source and its unlimited splendour.

Don’t believe that all these years or even lifetimes of negligence have damaged your garden, as what God has created is eternal, everlasting and unalterable. Under the weeds, the garden remains the same as it was (before the illusion of separation) and always will be.


I can nearly hear you asking: “how long is it going to take and what if…” let’s not entertain these types of questions, that’s the ego talking, spreading doubt in your mind…some of the weeds growing back. Let’s get back to the work as it is the only important task: undoing the ego no matter of how much it is going to protest, complain or tell us that it is a mistake.

You see, the ego doesn’t want to disappear, it wants to survive. It wants to continue doing the same thing over and over again, pretending that everything will be alright at the end, that it can sort out the problems. But weeds don’t grow flowers, our ego is destructive and maleficent, it doesn’t want us any good and it is definitely not our friend. It is the obstacle stopping us from experiencing our glory, from remembering who we are.

The ego keeps doing the same thing, over and over again, it wants to think it can solve problems or it wants us to believe it but deep down, let’s be honest, it has never solved any and never will, its motto is “Seek and do not find” as stated in the following paragraph of the Lesson 287 of the Course:

…“If we listen to the ego’s thought system, we will search for a false identity in all kinds of meaningless forms that never satisfy because the ego’s motto is, “seek and do not find.” The ego knows that when we do find and accept our true Identity, it will be the ego’s end. By the grace of God, we have another Voice in our mind that directs us truly to where we will find our hearts desire. We will find Love. We will find our Self”…

It is time now to stop procrastinating and get to work, the sooner we start, the better. Time now to wake up from the illusion of separation, back to Oneness, it is time now to return to Love and forgive and forget all that never was.

Happy weeding!!!

